Add-ons // Basecamp

The Basecamp add-on has the following features:

  • Import Basecamp projects as Timestamp Projects
  • Import Basecamp todos as Timestamp Tasks
  • Import Basecamp users as Timestamp Users

Enabling the Basecamp add-on

  • Navigate to: Add-ons

  • Find the Basecamp add-on and click Enable

  • Once logged in (or immediately if you already are) the following will appear:

Enable Basecamp

  • Click Yes, I'll allow access to connect your Basecamp account and be returned to Timestamp

Setting up the Basecamp add-on

After authorising, you will be automatically re-directed to the Basecamp add-on settings screen within Timestamp. You will see the following:

Basecamp add-on initial settings

What gets imported?

Timestamp will import from your Basecamp account every 20 minutes to keep your Timestamp account up-to-date.


Pprojects we will import new, or match existing (based on their name), projects as they are created or updated

  • If a project is trashed or completed in Basecamp we will archive the project in Timestamp
  • If a project is trashed or completed when you connect we will not import that project
  • If a project has been imported or matched its name will be kept up to date in Timestamp
  • A project's colour from Basecamp will be imported


Todo items we will import new, or match exiting (based on their name), todos as they are created or updated

  • If a todo is trashed or completed in Basecamp we will archive the task in Timestamp
  • If a todo is trashed or completed when you connect we will import that task
  • If a todo has been imported or matched its name will be kept up to date in Timestamp
  • The task name in Timestamp will be presented as todo list name / todo description
  • We do not support task assignment so everyone on a project has access to all active todos

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